helping kids in Englsh class

helping kids in Englsh class
helping a kindergarten student at the Academy of Talented Scholars

party of kids

party of kids
this was when we are in drama class all was exited of doing mask in class

kids in my internship

kids in my internship
photo when i was helping the kids improve sppelling and reading

Friday, May 21, 2010

Internship vocabulary part 1
Native language: Sovet

Definition: Something like a person or company responsible for making investments on behalf of, and/or providing advice to, investors.
Sentence: My doctor advice me about what to do for my teeth.
2: Appropriate
Native language: Sootvetstuyushi

Definition: Something that is suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, person occasion. Sentence: An appropriate dress is very necessary for interview.
3. Attitude
Native language: otnasheniya

Definition: Manner, disposition, feeling, position,
Sentence: My brother Rahim has a positive attitude about work.
4. Colleague
Native language: kollega

Definition: A fellow member of a profession, staff, or academic faculty
Sentence: My mentor’s colleague are nice.
5: Cover letter
Native language: Pismo parti

Definition: A letter that accompanies another letter, a package.
Sentence: A cover letter is necessary for the interview.
6. Co-worker
Native language: Sotrudnic
Definition: A fellow worker, or working together.
My co-worker at Imani house, they are very nice.
7. Criticism
Native language; Kritika

Definition: Judge something or someone in a bad or good way to make something better
Sentence: When we do something wrong our elder criticism.
8: Discrimination
Native language: discriminatiya

Definition: A unfair treatment of a person.
Sentence: Sometime people discrimination in a new place.
9. Duty
Native language:Oboyazonast

Definition: A work that you have to do.
Sentence: My internship duty are I have to do my work on time.
10: Employee
Native language: Slujayushi

Definition: A person who is hired to make a job.
Sentence: I am employee at Imani House.
11: Employer
Native language: Predprinimatel

Definition: A person who gives jobs to people.
Sentence: my Hager is my Employer because she give me internship.
12: Evaluate
Native language: Otsenit

Definition: To give or set a value or amount.
Sentence: The boss evaluate the employee,s salary.
13. Evaluation
Native language: Osenka

Definition: A procces of evaluate something.
Sentence: The evaluation is very important to get job.
14: Flexible
Native language: Gibkii

Definition: Capable for do something.
Sentence: JIM is very flexible for the student;
15. Harassment
Native language: presledovaniya

Definition: To irritate something.
Sentence: Some student harassment some student in other school.
16: Initiative
Native language:Initiativa

Definition: A ability to start something without help.
Sentence: My elder brother initiative new work.
17: Novice
Native language: Novichok

Definition: Someone who has entered in a job to learn.
Sentence: I am novice at my internship I am student intern there.
18; Proactive
Native language:Preventivnie

Definition: Acting in advance to deal with something difficult.
Sentence: Shahrukh Khan is very proactive, he is from India.
19: Qualification:
Native language: kloficatiya

Definition: A good thing that must be met something.
Sentence: My mentor at Imani house, who have a lot of qualifications
20: Recommendation
Native language: Recomendasiya

Definition: An opinion given to somebody to employ another person.
Sentence: For get something I get my elder brother recommendation.
21. Reference
Native language. Scilka

Definition: Give good feedback to another people about your career.
Sentence: College ask for reference, it is necessary.
22. Reliable
Native language: Nadejni

Definition: Dependable of somebody.
Sentence: I reliable on my father.
23: Salary
Native language: Zarplata

Definition: The money that you own by doing your job.
My brother give salary to my mom.
24: Task
Native language: Zadacha

Definition: a part of a work that we decide.
Sentence: my task are pass the regents.
25: Wages
Native language:Zarabotnaya plata

Definition: Payment for labor or work.
Sentence: The owner wages to labor.

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